
It isn’t an exaggeration to say that coaching and mentoring has transformed my life. Action-learning sets and informal group sharing with peers have also been important for learning and growth.

When a coach summarises or pulls out a theme from what I say, it helps me to notice my thoughts in a fresh way. When I’m asked the right question, it dares me to think bigger and broader than before. When I’m offered full attention, without judgment or advice, it creates a supportive space for me to unleash my best. 

What I offer

‘Shilpa is a really compassionate and empowering coach.’

I offer coaching and mentoring to clients in organisations and foundations working alongside communities, especially marginalised communities. 

I work one-to-one and also with small groups of peers/colleagues. 

My coaching style is based on somatic connection and unleashing creativity. I help clients to honour their physical, emotional and spiritual needs, as well as intellectual. I listen, deeply. I ask good questions. I reflect back what I feel and observe. I spot recurring themes. I help to make plans. I celebrate strengths and I don’t shy from uncomfortable truths. 

Drawing on my experience teaching meditation, yoga and singing, I help people slow down. Feel. Breathe. Listen to the wisdom of their bodies. And perhaps write, draw or move with that wisdom before connecting it to themes in their work. To me, this is where working in a decolonial and feminist way begins. 

Often an initial query – eg ‘I need to deliver this outreach project’ – unpacks broader, deeper questions such as:

  • How do I build equal, positive relationships?
  • What does self-care mean for me and my team?
  • How is my gender/race/age/class/disability/etc affecting my experience at work? 
  • How do I use my time more effectively?

My approach can also support an expansive ‘dreaming’ quality – supporting individuals or teams identify and follow their North Star.

How you can expect me to work with you

Together we will:

  • Co-design a ‘Ways of Working’ agreement, based on how you like to learn and clarifying goals
  • Build self-care and gentleness into our ways of working together.
  • Take time for regular reviews, asking ‘what’s working well?’ and ‘what could be better?’
  • Identify resources and practices for you to use in between sessions to help you meet your goals

Meetings are held online on Zoom, unless we are in the same area. I prefer to work with a client for a minimum of three sessions. To explore one to one or group coaching, either privately or through your organisation, please contact me for an initial discussion

